Democratic Alternative Strategy

  • What is this all about?

 Establishing a democratic Iran requires democratic choices or alternatives so that people can eventually choose their desired form of government among various democratic options. This strategy is a grassroots attempt to accelerate the formation of one democratic alternative.  

  • Who or what organization is behind this?

This attempt is a grassroots initiative by a community of friends in Montgomery County, Maryland. It is the brainchild of Aram Hessami, a political science professor with over 25 years of activism. It is not affiliated with any civic or political organization whatsoever.   

  • How does my pledge help at this point?

Individual pledges will not help much, but collectively, a community of 1000 to 2000 individuals will demonstrate the willingness and ability of Iranian expatriates to go beyond words and do something, namely, facilitating the formation of at least one democratic alternative.

  • When would we start honoring our pledge?

Before any payment, the Democratic Alternative must first be on the table, and when you, as an individual contributor, are satisfied that the alternative is democratic.

  • How do I know that the option is democratic?

The pledge clearly states three criteria: I. It must offer a democratic vision for Iran. II. It must provide a clear plan and strategy. III. It must employ experts and technocrats to implement the plan. Then, you, with the help of your circle of trusted friends and this grassroots cooperative, will decide whether this alternative is democratic and worthy of your support.

  • How long would you estimate the formation of such an alternative?

Our best estimate is between 6 and 9 months; our grass cooperative will monitor any and all attempts and will provide a monthly report to those who pledged.

  • How would the money be used?

Based on our stated criteria in this pledge, any Democratic Alternative is required to spend the funds to I. Disseminate its grand vision II. Maintain its  workforce III. Operationalize the democratic transition.      

  • Is it possible to pledge more or less than $100?

At this point, we ask for this amount to ensure equal standing for every contributor in this egalitarian-grassroots-cooperative setting.

  • How can I help besides making this pledge?

You can encourage others to make the same pledge; you can  help expand the network by identifying community leaders and organizers whose expertise will facilitate this alternative-making endeavor.

  • Will my eventual contribution be tax-deductible?

Yes, your pledge will be tax-deductible. The payment method will also be confidential and disclosed in due course.             


Aram Hessami

-Professor of Political Science at Montgomery College (Rockville)

-Doctorate in Political Science

-Specializing in Western Political Thought & Post-modern Philosophy

-Professional Experience: Professor, Strategist, Iran Analyst,

-20 years of experience in diaspora activism

-Born in Shiraz in 1960

-living in the US since 1979

Tel: 301-529-3406
